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SL United Youth Soccer Club stands out due to a myriad of distinctive elements deeply embedded in our unwavering dedication to revolutionizing the youth soccer landscape. Yet, it is the following exceptional attributes that unequivocally define our singular identity.


If you’re a parent of a new soccer player, it can be pretty nerve-wracking when you have no idea what to expect. Don’t worry though, we’ve been through the same experience, that’s why we’ve created a super helpful guide just for you.


Here are the steps to signing up your child to play soccer for the first time:

  1. Ensure our Club is a fit for you: At this point, you might have explored various local soccer clubs. Given our unique philosophy, it’s important to ensure that our approach resonates with your own values and goals.
  2. Age Verification: SL United YSC necessitates a valid birth certificate for your player to authenticate their age, a crucial factor for their placement in the appropriate division.
  3. Register: Obtain the necessary registration forms either online or via-email.. Fill out all required fields, providing accurate information about your child, emergency contact details, medical information, and any other necessary details. The season of play will be determined when you register your child.
  4. Pay registration fees: Pay the required registration fees according to the instructions provided. These fees typically cover club expenses, uniforms, practice equipment, and administrative costs.
  5. Attend parent orientation: SL United YSC will have a mandatory Parent Orientations before the season begins. You are required to attend these sessions to get important information about the program, meet the coaches, and ask any questions you may have. Here you will have a chance to get specific details.
  6. Purchase necessary equipment: At the Parent Orientation, we will outline the necessary items your child will require, including soccer cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball. Please ensure these items are purchased prior to the season’s commencement as they are mandatory for your child’s participation in training and games. No exceptions will be made.
  7. Review and Sign Parent and Player Rules: At the orientation, you will have the opportunity to review both the player and parent Code of Conduct, as well as the rules and guidelines for player participation. These forms will necessitate signatures from both the player and the parent.
  8. Attend practices and games: Before the season begins, you will be assigned a Coach or Coach(s). Typically, they will contact you to introduce themselves and provide details on how the Team will communicate with each other. The Coach will also provide details on training days, locations, and any other specific items such as the rotation for Parents to provide team sacks at the end of very game. Once the season begins, ensure your child attends all scheduled practices and games. Stay involved and supportive throughout the season, cheering them on and encouraging their development.
  9. Volunteer if desired: Some clubs may ask for parent volunteers to assist with various roles, such as coaching, team management, or game-day operations. If you are interested, inquire about volunteer opportunities and submit any required forms or background checks.

It is essential for every parent to have a sound knowledge of the fundamental soccer rules (laws). By comprehending these rules, you can effectively assist your child in practicing at home, ensuring they adhere to the regulations governing the sport.



  1. No Hands – It is important to remember that players, except for the goalie, cannot use their hands during the game. Any use of hands or arms from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder is considered a hand ball. However, accidental contact with the ball is not considered a hand ball, and the referee must use their judgment to determine if it was done intentionally. Additionally, even goalies have restrictions, as they cannot use their hands if a pass comes directly from their teammates; they must use their feet instead. Violation of this rule will result in an indirect kick.
  2. Throw-ins – When the ball crosses the sideline and goes out of bounds, a throw-in is taken. To perform a proper throw-in, a player must have both feet on the ground and throw the ball with both hands over their head.
  3. Corner Kicks & Goal Kicks – If the ball leaves the field across the endline, either a corner kick or a goal kick is taken. If the offensive team kicks it out, a goal kick is awarded, which can be taken by any player inside the goalie box. If the defensive team kicks it out, a corner kick is awarded, which is taken from the corner nearest to where the ball went out.
  4. Fouls – Players are not allowed to kick, trip, jump at, charge, strike, push, hold, or spit at opponents. However, physical contact such as bumping or going shoulder-to-shoulder while competing for the ball is not considered a foul unless hands or elbows are used. Players are allowed to extend their arms to protect the ball while dribbling as long as they do not push, pull, or strike their opponents.
  5. Direct and Indirect Free Kicks – The difference between direct and indirect free kicks is simple. A direct kick allows for a goal to be scored by kicking the ball directly into the goal. Direct kicks usually result from contact fouls or hand balls. On the other hand, an indirect kick requires another player to touch the ball before it can go into the goal. Indirect kicks are given for all other types of fouls.
  1. Penalty Kick – A penalty kick is awarded when the defending team commits a contact foul or hand ball inside their penalty area. The penalty area is the large box located on either end of the field.
  1. Two-touch Rule – Players are not allowed to touch the ball twice in a row when putting it into play. If a player barely touches the ball and then tries to take another swipe at it, it is considered a two-touch violation. This rule also applies to throw-ins, as players cannot throw the ball and then kick it.

Learning and understanding these soccer rules are crucial for every player and parent involved in the game.


There are significant differences between recreational and competitive youth soccer. By evaluating various factors such as financial and time commitments, as well as physical and skill abilities, one can determine the appropriate level for your player.


The differences between youth soccer recreational and competitive divisions can vary depending on the specific league or organization. However, some general distinctions can be made:

1. Skill Level: Recreational divisions are often geared towards beginners or players who are less experienced and may not have as strong technical abilities. Competitive divisions typically attract more advanced and skilled players, who are looking for a higher level of competition.

2. Focus on Development vs. Winning: Recreational divisions prioritize player development, enjoyment, and participation over winning. The emphasis is on learning the fundamentals of the game, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Competitive divisions place a greater emphasis on winning and often involve more intense training, higher-level coaching, and a more structured game approach.

3. Time Commitment: Recreational divisions generally require a lower time commitment, with fewer practices and games per week. Competitive divisions often have more frequent practices, longer training sessions, and may involve travel for away games or tournaments.

4. Team Selection: In recreational divisions, teams are often formed based on friend requests or geographic proximity, aiming to create a balanced and inclusive environment. Competitive divisions may require tryouts or selection processes to form teams based on skill level, ensuring a higher level of play.

5. League Format and Competition: Recreational divisions typically focus on local, community-based leagues with a less intensive schedule and less emphasis on league standings and playoffs. On the other hand, competitive divisions may be part of larger regional or statewide leagues, with a more structured schedule, standings, playoffs, and opportunities for advancement to higher-level competitions.

6. Coaching and Refereeing: Recreational divisions may have volunteer coaches who may not have extensive soccer backgrounds or coaching certifications. The emphasis is often on providing a fun and positive experience rather than advanced coaching techniques. In competitive divisions, coaches tend to have more experience, certifications, and knowledge of the game. Similarly, referees in competitive divisions are often more experienced and may have officiating certifications, ensuring a higher level of match officiating.

It’s important to note that these differences may not be absolute and can vary depending on the specific league or organization. It’s always recommended to check the guidelines and policies of the specific soccer league or organization to understand the exact differences between their recreational and competitive divisions.


When planning to attend a scheduled game, it is crucial to acquaint yourself with a few rules and information to ensure a better understanding of how everything operates. Below is a general guideline outlining what both the parent and the player can expect.


In preparation for competing in the realm of soccer, it is crucial for young players to possess a solid grasp and proficiency of the following fundamental skills:

1. Dribbling: Players should exhibit control over the ball while in motion, utilizing both feet. Practicing changing directions, maintaining close control, and shielding the ball from opponents is highly recommended.

2. Passing: Proficiency in proper passing technique is essential. Players should comprehend various types of passes, including short, long, ground, and lofted passes, and possess the ability to accurately distribute the ball to teammates.

3. Shooting: Players must have a basic understanding of shooting technique, encompassing striking the ball with the appropriate part of the foot, generating power, and aiming with accuracy. Additionally, practicing shooting from different angles and distances is beneficial.

4. Receiving: The ability to receive the ball using both feet is crucial. Players should hone their skills in trapping and controlling the ball with diverse body surfaces, such as the chest, thigh, and foot.

5. 1v1 Skills: Young players should develop a solid foundation in 1v1 skills, including fakes, feints, and changes of pace, enabling them to surpass opponents. Furthermore, mastering effective shielding techniques when under pressure is vital.

6. Tactical Understanding: Players must comprehend the basic tactical concepts of the game, encompassing positioning, off-the-ball movement, and spatial awareness. Understanding how to contribute to the team’s overall strategy and execute specific tactics during matches is crucial.

7. Passing Combinations: It is imperative for youth players to learn and practice basic passing combinations, such as give-and-go, overlap, and through balls. These combinations aid in creating scoring opportunities and maintaining possession of the ball.

8. Defensive Skills: Youth players should grasp defensive positioning, marking opposing players, and tackling techniques. Anticipating and intercepting passes, as well as executing effective tackles while maintaining a solid defensive shape, is of utmost importance.

9. Game Awareness: Players should develop situational awareness, including comprehension of the offside rule, ability to read the game, and make swift decisions. Awareness of the positioning of both teammates and opponents enables effective passes and movements.

10. Fitness and Conditioning: Young players should focus on overall physical fitness, including cardio endurance, speed, agility, and strength. Maintaining good physical condition aids in sustaining high performance levels and reducing the risk of injuries during matches.

Continued practice and refinement of these fundamental skills are crucial for young players in order to establish a solid foundation for competing incompetitive soccer. Dedication to improving these skills will greatly enhance their abilities and increase their chances of success in the sport.



When planning to attend a scheduled game, it is crucial to acquaint yourself with a few rules and information to ensure a better understanding of how everything operates. Below is a general guideline outlining what both the parent and the player can expect.


Upon arrival at the game location, it is recommended to arrive approximately 30 minutes before the start of the game. Your player will join their team, while parents and spectators can locate a spot on the opposite side of the field from the coaches. Bringing chairs is generally acceptable, but it is important to note that umbrellas may not be allowed due to obstructed viewing for others and the potential hazard they pose in windy conditions. It is always advisable to inquire about the specific policy regarding umbrellas. Once the scheduled start time arrives, the game will commence.

  1. The coaches give a pre-game talk and line up the players in their positions.
  2. The referee walks onto the field and explains the rules of the game to both teams.
  3. The referee blows the whistle to signal the start of the game which usually last between 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours.
  4. The match is divided into two halves, there will be a short break for halftime.
  5. Coaches may make substitutions, bringing in fresh players to replace tired ones.
  6. The referee may add extra time, known as stoppage time, to account for delays or injuries that occurred during the match.
  7. Finally, the referee blows the whistle to signal the end of the game.
  8. The players shake hands or high-five each other as a sign of good sportsmanship.
  9. The teams return to their respective sidelines to gather their belongings.
  10. Coaches will provide a post-game talk, highlighting individual and team achievements or areas for improvement.
  11. The players and their families leave the field, reflecting on the game and looking forward to the next one.

We pride ourselves on offering a distinctly unique approach to our championships, setting us apart from any other league or club. Our focus lies solely on delivering unparalleled excitement, awe-inspiring moments, and an unforgettable experience for all involved.


We will deliverg an extraordinary professional experience for the youth that truly stands out! Brace yourself for our awe-inspiring World Cup Championships, guaranteed to be the hottest topic in town.

1. Host Location: We try to arrange a venue that provides excellent facilities, comfortable seating, and a great viewing experience for the spectators.

3. Opening and closing ceremonies: We plan grand ceremonies to kickstart and conclude the tournament, incorporating captivating performances, fireworks displays, and special guest appearances.

5. Fan zones: We set up zones where “fans” usually Parents, Friends or Spectators, cheer on their team. This is also the location where we bring the players for an autograph sessions with their “Fans” and take memorable photos.

7. Fan merchandise: We usually offer a wide range of merchandise such as team jerseys, scarves, hats, and flags so that “fans” can support their favorite teams and take home souvenirs from the event.

15. Half-Time Show: We organize a halftime shows that will feature a local talent such as a dance groups, bands, or musicians.

20. Capture and share memories: We will hire professional photographers to capture the best moments of the tournament and create photo galleries or albums that fans can access and purchase.

We implement these ideas, so we can create an unforgettable and amazing experience for players, fans, and the local community attending the youth soccer World Cup championship.

Ready to be a part of the SLUYSC Fam?

I Have More Questions

No problem, we want to make sure that you understand how it all works. So you can  learn alot more by continuing to the “Team Information” page or

on our homepage you have acess to emails which are sent directly to the individual with the answers or you can use our online form.

We Are Ready To Join!

Here is a pre-welcome to the SL United SYC family! Your player is about to embark on a journey that will have a lifelong impact.

Not only will we help your player excel in soccer, the relationships he/she will create will be invaluable as your Player moves up the in the Soccer World.