SL United YSC - Logo

At SL United Youth Soccer Club, our laws and rules are applicable to all, as we firmly believe that adherence to these governing principles cultivates a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone involved. By nurturing such an environment, we pave the way for our youth players to thrive and excel.

Our Disciplinary Information and Process

Implementing a disciplinary process within a youth soccer club is crucial for several reasons but most importantly by having a disciplinary process in place, a youth soccer club can effectively manage behavioral issues, maintain a positive and respectful environment, and ensure that all involved in the club adhere to the established standards and values.


1. Age Groups and Divisions:

Games are played according to specific age groups and divisions to ensure fair and balanced competition. Age categories must adhere to the guidelines set by the league or governing body.

2.Game Duration:

Matches typically consist of two halves, each with a designated duration. Time allocation can vary based on age groups and league regulations.

3. Field Dimensions:

Fields must adhere to the official measurements specified for each age group, ensuring appropriate sizing for the players’ development stage.

4. Team Size:

Teams consist of a set number of players determined by the age group and league rules. Substitutions during the game follow the set guidelines to ensure fair play.

5. Equipment:

All players are required to wear appropriate soccer gear, including jerseys, shorts, shin guards, and soccer cleats. The use of jewelry and other accessories that may pose a safety risk is usually prohibited.

6. Game Conduct:

Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to maintain good sportsmanship throughout the game. Respect for referees, opponents, and teammates is essential. Unsportsmanlike behavior, such as aggressive play, dissent, or abusive language, is strictly prohibited.

7. Offside Rule:

The offside rule applies in accordance with the specific age group’s guidelines. Understanding and applying this rule is crucial for fair and tactical gameplay.

8. Fouls and Free Kicks:

Rules regarding fouls and free kicks should be observed, with different age groups often having varying levels of leniency for physical contact.

9. Scoring and Determining a Winner:

Points are awarded for goals scored, and the team with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner. In some instances, tied matches may go to extra time or penalty shootouts, depending on the league regulations.

10. Coaching and Sideline Conduct:

Coaches are responsible for their conduct and are encouraged to provide guidance and support positively. Sideline behavior should be supportive, respectful, and encouraging.

These rules aim to ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all participants. Adherence to these standards helps in maintaining a positive atmosphere and promotes the holistic development of young players in the sport of soccer.




1. Supportive Environment:

Encourage and support your child in their soccer journey, emphasizing effort and improvement over solely focusing on winning or individual performance.

2. Positive Sideline Behavior:

Maintain respectful and positive behavior on the sidelines, supporting all players, coaches, referees, and opposing teams. Refrain from using abusive language or behaving in a confrontational manner. Absolutely no sideline coaching.

3. Respect Coaches and Officials:

Show respect to the coaches, acknowledging their expertise and decisions, and respect the referees’ calls, even if there’s disagreement.

4. Player’s Experience Over Results:

Understand that the primary focus of youth soccer is the development and enjoyment of the game. Emphasize the learning experience over the match outcome.

5. Communication with Coaches:

Maintain open communication with the coaches but avoid excessive interference during training or games. Trust the coach’s expertise and judgment.

6. Equip Your Child Properly:

Ensure your child has the required soccer gear, including appropriate attire, shin guards, soccer cleats, and plenty of water for hydration.

7. Timely Attendance:

Ensure your child is punctual for practices and games, respecting schedules set by the club.

8. Conflict Resolution:

In the case of any conflicts or issues, communicate directly with the club administrators or designated personnel in a respectful and constructive manner.

9. Promote Team Spirit:

Encourage a sense of teamwork and sportsmanship in your child, fostering positive relationships with their teammates and opponents.

10. Fair Play and Encouragement:

Encourage fair play, discourage unsportsmanlike conduct, and applaud effort and good sportsmanship by all players, not just your child.

Following these guidelines creates a supportive and constructive environment for the players, allowing them to grow, enjoy the game, and develop crucial life skills through their participation in the youth soccer club.

NOTE: SL United Youth Soccer Club is committed to upholding SafeSport principles and is an active partner in promoting a safe environment for all participants. We reserve the right to prohibit any individual from engaging in SL United YSC activities, including games, in the event of infractions. Please note that repeated infractions may result in the removal of your child from our club. It’s important to understand that no refunds for any portion of fees paid to SL United YSC will be provided in such instances.


As a player representing our soccer club, every Player needs to understand and agree to abide by the following code of conduct:

1. Respect and Sportsmanship:

I will treat my teammates, opponents, coaches, referees, and all individuals involved in the game with respect and fairness. I will display good sportsmanship both on and off the field.

2. Compliance with Rules:

I will follow the rules and guidelines set by the league, club, and coaches, and I understand that these rules are designed for the safety and enjoyment of all participants.

3. Dedication and Effort:

I will attend practices and games regularly, and I will give my best effort, displaying dedication and commitment to the team.

4. Punctuality and Preparedness:

I will arrive on time for practices and games, fully prepared with the necessary equipment and a positive attitude.

5. Teamwork and Cooperation:

I understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation. I will support my teammates, encourage their efforts, and contribute positively to the team’s goals.

6. Adherence to Safe and Fair Play:

I will play fairly and within the spirit of the game, respecting opponents and avoiding dangerous play. I will adhere to the principles of safe sport and fair play at all times.

7. Listening and Learning:

I will listen to my coaches, showing a willingness to learn and improve. I will accept constructive feedback positively and work on enhancing my skills.

8. Discipline and Conduct:

I will conduct myself in a disciplined and appropriate manner during practices, games, and all club-related activities. I will refrain from disruptive or disrespectful behavior.

9. Responsibility for Equipment:

I will take care of my equipment and the club’s property, ensuring its proper use and maintenance.

10. Representing the Club:

I understand that I am representing our club and will do so with pride, integrity, and a positive attitude, both on and off the field.

If any Player fails to abide by this code of conduct, it may result in consequences determined by the club, including potential disciplinary action.


This code of conduct serves as a guide to maintain a positive and respectful environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and sportsmanship among youth soccer players.



1. Observation and Documentation:

Any observed behavior or action contrary to the club’s code of conduct will be documented by coaches, club officials, or designated personnel. This documentation will include details of the incident, witnesses (if any), and relevant information.

2. Initial Warning and Discussion:

Upon the first instance of a breach of conduct, the player will be privately notified by the coach or club official. The conversation will involve discussing the observed behavior, emphasizing the club’s code of conduct, and providing a verbal warning.

3. Written Notification:

If the behavior persists or in cases of severe misconduct, a written notification will be issued to the player or their guardians. This formal notice will reiterate the club’s code of conduct, document the incidents, and specify the consequences if the behavior continues.

4. Probation or Suspension:

In the event of repeated breaches or severe misconduct, the player may be placed on probation or suspended from a set number of games or practices. During this period, the player will not participate in club activities.

5. Review and Appeal:

The player and their guardians have the right to appeal the decision. A formal review of the case will be conducted, considering any additional information provided by the player or their representatives.

6. Possible Expulsion:

In cases of continued or severe misconduct and after a thorough review, the club reserves the right to expel the player from the club. The decision will be made by the club’s governing body and communicated to the player or their guardians.

7. Reinstatement Process:

If a player is suspended or expelled, a process for potential reinstatement will be outlined, emphasizing steps the player must take to rejoin the club.

8. Confidentiality:

All disciplinary actions and related discussions will be handled with discretion and confidentiality, respecting the privacy of the player and their family.

The objective of this disciplinary process is to maintain a respectful and safe environment for all members of the club while offering clear steps for corrective action and resolution in cases of misconduct.






Have Questions or Concerns?

We are at your service round the clock, accessible online 24/7, and even catering to traditional methods for your convenience.


7601 FM 1960 Road East #194
Humble, TX 77336

Business Phone:


Ready to be a part of the SLUYSC Fam?

I Still Have More Questions

No problem, we want to make sure that you understand how it all works. So you can  learn alot more by continuing to the “Personal Training” page or

on our homepage you have acess to emails which are sent directly to the individual with the answers or you can use our online form.

We Are Ready To Join!

Here is a pre-welcome to the SL United SYC family! Your player is about to embark on a journey that will have a lifelong impact.

Not only will we help your player excel in soccer, the relationships he/she will create will be invaluable as your Player moves up the in the Soccer World.